With its expertise in business networking, GDG has assembled a vast talent pool of more than 1,000 experts. More than 340 GDG consultants currently work in teams composed of both permanent staff and independent contractors.


Julie Gauvin
Julie GauvinGeneral Manager
Babacar Ba
Babacar BaTenders Advisor
Johanne Bouchard
Johanne BouchardResponsible for project budget monitoring
Mario Camiré
Mario CamiréPrincipal Director, Consulting Services
Isabelle Cordovado
Isabelle CordovadoBilling Advisor
Sarah De Repentigny
Sarah De RepentignyAssignment Advisor
Amandine Fargier
Amandine FargierRecruitment Assistant
Yvon Fredette
Yvon FredetteDirector of Operations
Jocelyn Girard
Jocelyn GirardHead of the regional office (Saguenay) and communications assistant
Caroline Guay
Caroline GuayDirector, Administration and Finance
Éric Hamel
Éric HamelAccounts Manager & Senior Agility Consultant
Sonia Huard
Sonia HuardHR Advisor and Recruitment Coordinator
Arlette Kiamfu
Arlette KiamfuAssignment and Recruitment Advisor
Marc Lamonde
Marc LamondeBusiness Development Director
Joanie Lapointe
Joanie LapointeAssignment and Recruitment Advisor
Geneviève Laurin
Geneviève LaurinTenders & Contracts Assistant
Léane Légaré
Léane LégaréAdministrative Assitant
Valérie Marois
Valérie MaroisCoordinator, Tenders & proposal writing
François Massin
François MassinIT infrastructure manager
Stéphanie Paquet
Stéphanie PaquetResponsible, Communications & public relations
Magali Savereux
Magali SavereuxRecruitment and Assignment Advisor
Marie-François Sénéchal
Marie-François SénéchalOperations Advisor
Marc-Antoine Tardif
Marc-Antoine TardifRecruitment Advisor

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